3/2016: TrakMotive® Awarded Outstanding Supplier Award by Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance, Inc.

Mar 1, 2016 | Company News

TrakMotive (Advance Innovative Technology) is honored to be recently awarded the 2015 Supplier Award for Outstanding Shipping performance by Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance, Inc.

TrakMotive continuously strives to consistently maintain 98% + order fill rates and the results show. This is the third year in a row that TrakMotive has received this award.

If you’re not satisfied with your current CV Axle supplier’s fill rates – Give us a call! We are the leading aftermarket supplier in “All New” CV Axles.

Contact your local TrakMotive Sales Representative or our Customer Service Department for more details.

United States Distribution Center: 800.567.1608

Candian Distribution Center: 905.282.1120

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